There’s only three months till all practising members of AMT are required to submit a National Police Check to AMT. Read about why you can be justly proud of AMT’s police check initiative.
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Subhadra Gerard is an AMT Board member, massage therapist and educator. He’ll be presenting a workshop as part of the 2018 AMT AGM in Adelaide in May. Subhadra sat down to chat with us about his career, massage therapy and how many books he can read simultaneously.
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The Lancet released a 2-article series on Low Back Pain on 22 March 2018. A must read for all AMT members. Also read how the global media has reported on the articles.
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AMT Chairperson, Michelle McKerron reminds us that sometimes the gentlest of touches can help our clients.
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When we think of health and medical research, we tend to conjure an image of a bloke in a white lab coat smearing bacteria onto a petri dish. But there’s loads of practical ways that massage therapists in all their glorious diversity and numbers can collect useful data in clinical practice which may help to nurture and grow our own practice-based research agenda … in fact, you’re probably already collecting useful data, without realising it might form the foundations of something bigger and more researchy.
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A list of industry relevant podcasters, podcast episodes, Facebook pages to “like” and Twitter people to follow all in one handy location.
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