Trigger Points – Myofascial Pathology or a Fight Starter?

Start a discussion on trigger points and heated debate ensues. Ever the peacemaker, Aran Bright takes us through each side of the argument so that massage therapists can decide for themselves.

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AMT’s Annual General Meeting 2018 in review

In 2018, the AMT AGM travelled to Adelaide for the first time. Thankfully, what happens at AGM doesn’t stay at AGM. Newly-minted accidental CEO of AMT, Rebecca Barnett shares the excitement, positives and firsts of the 2018 AGM, while admitting her trainspotting past.

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How To Spot A Bad Employment Contract

How do you spot a bad contract if you’re not a contract expert? There are a few key indicators that the contract you’ve been asked to sign is dodgy. Let us walk you through a few of them, and we’ll share pointers on how to get accurate information for practitioners and business owners to ensure a fair engagement of services.

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