Black and white image of a person against a dark background with their hand in the foreground covering their face/identity

Why should domestic and family violence matter to massage therapists?

Domestic and family violence (DFV) is a critical issue in Australia, with over 27% of women and 12% of men experiencing DFV since age 15. In this blog post, Dr Sarah Fogarty explains why DFV should matter to massage therapists. We also launch Sarah’s training on domestic and family violence, which is available for free to all AMT members.

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A diagnosis does not define.

October is Breast Cancer awareness month. 1 in 7 women and 1 in 500 men in Australia will experience it in their lifetime.
In this blog, one member shares some of the impacts a diagnosis had on her and shares some insights as to how you can help your clients who have been on this journey as well.

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