In the immortal words of John F Kennedy (sort of) … Ask not what your association does for you but what you can do for your association.
In this blog post, AMT directors invite you to get involved.
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You’ve all heard of deja vu but are you familiar with its less well known sibling? Read on for the latest update from AMT directors.
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Think you already know a lot about the newest member of the AMT Board, Daniel Wonnocott? Think again!
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New AMT Board member, Ian Lim shares his vast work experience and what motivated him to become a Board member.
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Meet Youjung Suh, new AMT Board member.
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Meet new AMT Board member, Katherine Potter.
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Introducing Jess Gawne, one of 4 new AMT Board members.
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We have come to expect wisdom and inspiration from AMT Chairperson Michelle McKerron. She does not disappoint.
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AMT Chairperson Michelle McKerron takes advantage of her quarterly message to AMT members to introduce us to the current AMT Board of Directors. Who are they? What do they do? Why did they join the Board? What advice do they have for AMT members? And how much do they get paid? We’ll let them tell you in their own words.
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