October is Breast Cancer awareness month. 1 in 7 women and 1 in 500 men in Australia will experience it in their lifetime.
In this blog, one member shares some of the impacts a diagnosis had on her and shares some insights as to how you can help your clients who have been on this journey as well.
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Client records are not just something required for health funds. Every treatment, regardless of the type or duration must be appropriately documented.
Find out more about what is required in this blog.
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The cost of living pressure has caused a downturn in bookings for many therapists.
AMT member Youjung Suh shares some ideas about how she changes down time to done time!
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Think you already know a lot about the newest member of the AMT Board, Daniel Wonnocott? Think again!
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Is it time to reflect on exactly what a massage therapist is?
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How well written are your treatment notes? Would they stand up to scrutiny in a courtroom? AMT Chairperson Subhadra Gerard is here to spell out the importance of record keeping.
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Losing your cool with all the bad stuff on the telly and interwebs? Just chill, says Aran Bright.
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What are we facing in 2022? AMT Chairperson Subhadra Gerard shares his thoughts.
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Do you have a felt sense? AMT Chairperson Subhadra Gerard examines the importance of what we feel with our fingers and why we should cherish it.
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