Massage and persistent pain
Please enjoy our latest graphical story on massage therapy and persistent pain.
Continue Reading →Please enjoy our latest graphical story on massage therapy and persistent pain.
Continue Reading →In this massage research update, AMT CEO Rebecca Barnett discusses pig massage, sports massage and should we be massaging hospitalised COVID-19 patients. Plus more!
Continue Reading →Is the value of massage only determined by the quality of the research? Scientist, educator and massage therapist Chris Wheeler shares his thoughts.
Continue Reading →A lot of research has been conducted on the effectiveness of massage but the results aren’t fabulous. Why is this? Myotherapist Jenny Richardson ponders whether we’ve been asking the right questions going into massage research studies as an introduction to her presentation at the AMT National Conference in October 2018.
Continue Reading →When we think of health and medical research, we tend to conjure an image of a bloke in a white lab coat smearing bacteria onto a petri dish. But there’s loads of practical ways that massage therapists in all their glorious diversity and numbers can collect useful data in clinical practice which may help to nurture and grow our own practice-based research agenda … in fact, you’re probably already collecting useful data, without realising it might form the foundations of something bigger and more researchy.
Continue Reading →What happens when all your long-held beliefs about massage and your place within the massage industry get blown out of the water? Do you quit? Do you continue spreading outdated info? Or do you dust yourself off, open your mind to new theories and science? Sharon Livingstone explains her journey through a career crisis.
Continue Reading →Evidence-based practices integrate the best available research with clinical observations and patient wants and needs. Dana Scully provides an overview of research methodologies.
Continue Reading →How effective is massage for shoulder pain? A systemic review may have the answer.
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