A New Chapter Or A New Book?

By Pavel Bače

Around ten years ago, while living in the heart of Europe, not far from Prague, it was common knowledge that massage is something people do on their honeymoon only. If not taken as a luxury treat, massage was something that wealthy people would do to kill their time.

Do not get me wrong, Czech Republic is not a third world kind of neighbourhood. In fact, it is a developed and progressing country, yet far behind when it comes to the responsibility of each citizen for their own health. By that time, I was a young man with the promising career of a real estate agent. There was, for sure, some physical movement required to do this job (sometimes a lot more adventurous than you might think) but, nevertheless, the number of hours spent sitting down in front of all sorts of screens was tremendous.

While gaining my success, I was literally getting sicker and sicker – mentally and physically. Nobody told me that I should not be only seeking new deals to make or that there are more aspects of my life to focus on and balance out. Unfortunately, all I got was encouragement to work harder.

How did it end? Well, it did not (yet). It was only one chapter that ended. I was lucky to find enough strength to leave everything behind. A suitcase, plane ticket and $700 in my pocket – that is how the new chapter has started.

Switching Sides

Here in Australia, I have realised how big the occupational therapy sector is. How many people are busy helping others to simply feel better. Soon enough, I had a choice. Either I will “go back” to the corporate life, learn from my previous mistakes and hope for the best, or I will “go forward”, switch sides and learn how to provide support to others.

And here I am, on my way to become a massage therapist and nutritionist.

If I had to sum up the way I feel about my new career, I would say that I feel grounded and much more connected with others now. Happiness is no longer an abstract desire; it became real and comes along with every client.

The Importance of the Community

In the world of massage, I am still a rookie, spending the majority of my time in the classroom. While working on an assessment, I was required to research what the options are if it comes to massage associations. I have researched them all, inside out, very thoughtfully.

It might not surprise you that AMT had the best parameters out of all.

It was really an eye-opening experience, realising that AMT is not just a random entity. In fact, it is a big community which each member can benefit from. Knowing that after I finish my studies, I will not be left alone, was a big relief. With AMT I will become a part of a large group of people with the same focus and interest. Right away I applied for a membership and became a proud member of the AMT family. I promise you all that I will do my best to promote our industry in the best possible way.

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this amazing journey!

Pavel Bače
Remedial Massage Therapist (to be)
TAFE Meadowbank College

About the Author

Pavel Bače entered the world of massage only a few months ago. While studying in Sydney, he knows that somewhere far, far away in the Australian tropics, there is a perfect place for him where he could settle down and (for the last time) start from scratch again.

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A Bit of Compassion
A Tale of Two Revolutions


  1. Welcome to the massage industry and to AMT. Wishing you all the success for your future endeavours.
    Thanks also for a great article.

  2. Bernadette Kirkham
    19/08/2020 - 1:53 pm

    What a lovely article Pavel !

    Thank you Pavel for reminding us at such tumultuous times – all the beautiful reasons to love our industry.

    Sincere wishes of encouragement & enjoyment for the next phase of your new career Pavel.

  3. Welcome Pavel! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I have no doubt you will find an amazing, welcoming and very supportive group of people at AMT. I know I sure did!

  4. Thank you Pavel. I can’t wait to see how you grow and prosper in the years ahead. So glad you have found the AMT family so early on in your journey. It took me many years of stumbling through before I was able to tap into this great group for support and motivation. Good luck with your study.

  5. Welcome to our world Pavel, it’s nice to have you here! Enjoy the journey

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